Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happy Easter

Happy Easter.
Inspired to write-when I have very little time and plenty to do! Good Friday, Brunch ,seeing friends washing up and false eyelashes to apply and I want to write.
These last few months have been tough both financially and emotionally. I have never searched this long or hard for a job (I have high hopes for my new job) It gave me time to 're arrange' some values and ideas that I've held to for a long time ( I think that deserves a post all of its own) Today was really about something very simple: In an age that means we are able to connect with people,all around the world,easily and at pretty much anytime, do you know your neighbors? The old guy with the mechanical voice box who lives in your street? The nuclear  family across the way? Maybe the 'Power couple" down the road? Probably not. Why is that? Our parents talk of playing outside until its dark with all the kids from the neighborhood,why aren't we? Why aren't we chatting to them? Saying hello and a nod-is that enough? Maybe,as a thought,grab a bag of mini eggs,put them in a pretty basket and go and knock on a couple of doors. Say hi and Happy Easter I am your neighbor and I want to get to know you.*

*choose wisely, I take no responsibility if you end up being the gopher for the mean old lady,who lives in the spooky looking house at the end of the street.

Happy Easter.