Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I d do anything for love.....

Hello Lovelies,
Last saturday morning I awoke quietly. Mr W works late on Fridays so I let him sleep,whilst I have a big bubble bath or paint my nails. On this particular Saturday I did both I then slid back into bed,looking fresh faced and red taloned, I had plans on just how to wake him up....

He rolled over and announced that he had to go to the studio and would I like to come with him...."As you have small hands,perfect for doing some sanding" Mr W chuckled (yes,he chuckles) as I  looked down at my manicure and then at him with the 'Are you kidding me ?' kind-of-look. 
Now, Mr W is a very talented sculptor,however when your hands are as  big as Pamela Anderson's assets,sanding things of a more delicate nature can prove difficult. And by sanding I mean with little bit of sandpaper,that have to be wet,so not only did my nails go from this:
P.S Thank-you Dita for being Today's hand model.....

To this: 
The pads of my digits were soooo wrinkly from the watery torture I had subjected them to the last two hours.
My fingers made King Tuts' mummified body look like an extra from Desperate housewives (dead,but wrinkle free)  So now I hear you say why?! Why sacrifice the manicure and then complain-blog it. Well I ll tell you, 
I secretly love it. 
I get to spend a few hours watching Mr W create works of art, to talk and debate,which funnily enough-doesnt nearly seem as wanky as that reads. 

Mostly  I do it because I love him and know that tonight I will have both another bubble bath and a glass of champagne poured for me. Oh and that one day he ll be making a mint from his art and I ll not feel one bit guilty about paying for a manicure with that money! I will also be buying one of these with said money.

So my question to you is "What,if anything to you sacrifice in the name of love for your nearest and dearest???  

No copyright infringement intended

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